Critical Reflection - Composition

I think that the elements in my projects that are thematically connected are placed in association with each other visually. I think that there were a couple slides in the Grouping & Theme exercise that could have been better connected. Some of the words were more difficult to personify using grouping, Celebration in particular was difficult for me. I think that possibly a change in the shape I used may have made a difference.
I also think that my Alignment project could be a little better. I think that by enlarging the picture a bit more the connection between elements would be a little stronger.
I don’t think that any of the exercises feel scattered, except Anarchy which is supposed to feel a little scattered. I don’t believe that there are any connections that need to be cut off.
The only exercise that had multiple pages was the Grouping & Theme exercise. I don’t necessarily think that there is a big connection between each slide, but there isn’t a real disconnect between them either. They follow the same idea in each slide, ten of the same shapes in each example
Overall I feel that the connection between elements feels complete and visually appealing.

I am overall happy with my Alignment project. I feel that my choices are clear and I could answer any question a client might have about the poster. I don’t believe that anything has been overlooked.  Conventions of alignment have been followed, the alignment was followed throughout the project. I chose to center align everything – picture, text and headline.
I think that the text under the picture could possibly look ok if it was right aligned. I think that because the pencils come from the right the text would have aligned well that way also. I don’t think there is any trapped space that needs to be eliminated.

I especially liked my last couple projects. I really like the projects even after not seeing them for a while. The Alignment project could have used a few changes, but I still think it looks good from a distance. I feel that overall the elements have a hierarchy between elements. In the Alignment project the picture could maybe have been a bit larger and the text under the picture maybe a bit larger as well. I think that I used color and value well in all the exercises. The flow throughout each project seems to be there. I don’t feel that there are any projects where the eye is drawn in opposing directions or off the page.

Overall I am really happy with my projects. The only one that I would probably do over is the Alignment project. It just doesn’t catch my eye like some of the others. Maybe I didn’t give it enough time or creativity. There are a number of little things that I could have done differently to make it better, which I’ve mentioned throughout this reflection, I may even try to do it over just for me. 

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