Monday, April 11, 2011

Components - Emotional Design

In this project we were to use an object that does not generate a whole lot of feeling and create a poster using that object to create an emotion. I chose a book. For most people books don't hold a lot of feeling. Books may create feeling when you read them, but they don't hold much feeling just looking at it.
Image 1 - book from
I opened the image of the book in Photoshop and cut out the background, I wanted it to be on a black background as opposed to the white one that it was one. I then chose a picture of fire and placed that over the book. I made the fire layer transparent so that you could see the book through the flames. I also flipped it so that the larger flames were on the more open side of the book, I just thought it looked better on that side.
Image 2 - fire from
After adding the fire and seeing where the book might have burned edges I used a pen tool and the smudge tool to create the burnt edges of the pages. I added text to the pages on the left and added the title "Banned Books" to the right to finish my poster.

Image 3 - final product "Banned Books"
I hope that the image generates some anger or hostility towards the idea of banning books. Working in a library I am against censorship. Books are a way for people to learn and experience. It saddens me that books are taken out of schools. In the context of schools I feel that banning books only makes them more appealing to kids. Off my soapbox...I am very pleased with the final product.

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