Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Components - Hue & Saturation

For this project we worked with changing the hue and saturation of a picture in Photoshop. I chose a picture of vegetables with lots of color.
Originial picture from stockvault.net
This first adjustment was changing the hue to -40. This took out the yellows and gave everything a red tone.
The second adjustment was changing the saturation to +90. The colors seem much brighter, more intense, almost fake.
The final adjustment was to the value or the lightness/darkness of the picture. For this one I left the colors slightly saturated and changed the value to +49. To me it looks like the color was sucked out of the picture. It is very light.
It was interesting to experiment with these concepts. To see how changing these things can change the picture and get a different look.

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