Monday, April 11, 2011

Components - Second Life Prims

For this project we went into Second Life, a 3D virtual world and created objects. These objects are called prims. Prim is a shortened version of "primitive" and refers to the 3D polygonal shapes used by residents to build objects in Second Life.
The first prim I created was a tube. It started out looking something like this:
 I adjusted the shape and added a picture to the surface of the prim. In Second Life I took a screen shot of the prim and this is how it turned out:
I also created a spherical prim that started out looking like this:
I added a texture, glow and adjusted the size and it ended up looking like this:
I really enjoyed experiencing Second Life. It was interesting to create a prim. It is hard to imagine building an entire structure out of these prims. It would be a lot of work and a lot of time. I did enjoy playing with creating 3D objects though. 

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