Critical Reflection - Concept

I feel that the Typographic Conveyance example does a good job of presenting the literal, stylistic, and thematic messages of the pieces. I really feel that the Atom examples very clearly follow the style and literal message. Each one works towards a clear message, but not all together. I don't feel that any of the examples could be misinterpreted or have fighting for attention. I feel that all of them are relatively simple examples. The only one that maybe could be simplified is the Atom example that is has the letters on the atom.

The target audience for these pieces are my classmates at the moment. The demographics of my classmates would be mostly college age, varied in gender, and educated. I feel like the tastes of the demographic would be fun, bright, clear, concise. The lingo they would respond to would be youthful, possibly texting or other techy lingo. I would assume bright colors would be the colors they would prefer. I think that the Atom example would definitely speak to the demographic, with color and fun. I don't think that any of the examples would talk down to the audience or fly over their heads. I'm not sure any of the examples would really stand out as being really different from what the audience has seen before. I think that the examples would be personified as a fun, young person that would fit in with the audience. 

These examples were to convey a theme through the word and visual created with it. In it's current state is not meant to sell a product, but could possibly be used to in a layout. The examples are to inform. Dr. Estes has told us what the purpose should be, but have not discussed whether it was conveyed or not. Because there isn't a whole lot to these examples there isn't much that could be left out to convey the message. I could possibly add an object to some of them. Maybe adding a feather or leaf to Lightly or an elephant to XXL would convey the message more accurately.